Thursday, May 19, 2011

justin bieber abs never say never

justin bieber abs never say never. justin bieber never say never.
  • justin bieber never say never.

  • mtbdudex
    Apr 21, 11:13 AM
    Time to hide my iPhone file from the wife:rolleyes:

    Seriously......privacy issues seem all over the place in this digital is another example.

    I guess we need a law disclosing if such and such device tracks you and needs to disclose that to you clearly via a warning label/other....

    justin bieber abs never say never. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • Frobozz
    Mar 24, 01:50 PM
    This is HUGE, ginormous news. If Lion, or even later released of Snow Leopard, has this kind of support, ti would revitalize the Mac gaming scene. Even 3D artists would have more options, especially when you consider how well the high end consumer cards stack up against their FireGL competition.

    Now all they need is complete 6900 series support-- yeah, I'm lookin' at you, 6990. ;-)

    justin bieber abs never say never. never say never justin bieber
  • never say never justin bieber

  • jxyama
    Apr 2, 09:09 AM
    You have some good points here....but the basic arguement is how to survive in the future - How to grow the business....Itms doesn't make any money for Apple, the ipod is going to have too many similar players. So why not go for the lower end of the market - eg: like they did with the old "LC"s machines. People buy software but they don't want to shell out alot of money for hardware.

    no worry, people's been saying that apple's been dying since like 10 years ago. and increasing the marketshare doesn't mean it's growing and not increasing the marketshare doesn't mean its future is doomed.

    look at gateway. it just acquired eMachines and "doubled" its marketshare to 7%. apple is half that. and guess which company has been more profitable recently? which company is debt free? (hint: it's not gateway) and which company had to expand beyond just selling cheap PCs to continue its operation? (another hint: it's not apple.)

    i see absolutely no economic reason why apple should bother selling cheap macs.

    people who know what they want will pay for Macs. if they don't know what they want, they won't care if they got a Mac.

    justin bieber abs never say never. never say never justin bieber
  • never say never justin bieber

  • Ugg
    Mar 24, 02:54 PM
    Other Animal species have bisexual relationships so it must be natural.

    Other Animal species also are involved in cannibalism and random out breaks against their own kind, so in our species we shouldn't prohibit murder either, its natural.

    Human cannibalism is well known. Lots of primitive tribes throughout history have engaged in it and it exists to this day in small circles of even "Christian" peoples. Sacrificing a son's foreskin for one's god is another practice that exists today in many human cultures. There's nothing enlightened about that, is there?

    justin bieber abs never say never. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • Reverend Wally
    Jan 1, 08:24 PM
    Why not just build the "iThing" ....

    Sort of like Bruce Willis' apartment in The Fifth Element.

    A small rectangular object with an Apple dial on it that you call up the menu and can choose between an automobile (iCar) and menu again to choose the Macbook Pod, and when you get to the lot you live at you click on a menu item and your house comes out of the ground and you park your iCar and click on a menu item to open the lock on the door, then go into the iKitchen to make dinner in your iMicrowave.

    Oh yeah ... and all the doors and windows (yucky word) in the iHouse are shaped like the Apple logo.

    Hmmm .... even an Apple logo shaped iSwimming Pool.c


    justin bieber abs never say never. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • Hraggleblarg
    Sep 29, 11:27 PM
    Why is it so impossible to find an orange case? I'm so frustrated.

    justin bieber abs never say never. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • emotion
    Nov 28, 05:07 AM
    I'm surprised no one has ventured a guess as to whether these 17" monitors are going to be glossy or matte.

    :D :D :D

    Cue 10 page heated argument.

    justin bieber abs never say never. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • whooleytoo
    Jul 20, 05:47 AM
    And since just about all OEM's wil preload Vista on their machines, the sales-numbers will be HUGE.

    I think this is the key - once Vista comes out what OEM will be able to continue selling PCs with XP installed? Even if Vista's hardware requirements were a Core 2 Duo with 2GB RAM, they'd build every PC with a minimum of a Core 2 Duo with 2GB RAM, because they can't afford not to be on the Vista bandwagon.

    justin bieber abs never say never. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • ten-oak-druid
    Mar 22, 05:26 PM
    The ipod still has decent sales numbers. Are there any other mp3 players out there? I mean strictly mp3 players (not smart phones) that are actually selling in decent quantities?

    justin bieber abs never say never. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • AFPoster
    Mar 22, 12:46 PM
    If I understand correctly, the Windows Marketplace doesn't even allow sex/nudity in their app store, so they should be forced to do so?

    No, no one is forced to do anything. Apple is more extreme with what they will and will not allow. Others follow suit b/c they know Apple changes the world. Android market allows practically everything.

    justin bieber abs never say never. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • aafuss1
    Aug 7, 07:56 AM
    Full-screen in Quicktime in Leopard, and m4v export for feee

    justin bieber abs never say never. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • Unspeaked
    Sep 1, 01:58 PM
    Definitely not. There's too much branding in the iMac name. For consumers, it means ease and simplicity with power and looks.


    It'd be almost as bad as calling their music player a Pod.

    The iMac name is gold.

    justin bieber abs never say never. never say never justin bieber
  • never say never justin bieber

  • senseless
    Apr 11, 09:21 PM
    It's interesting that Europeans embrace manuals, while Americans don't. Also, Europeans favor driving experience over comfort. Is this somehow related to gasoline prices?

    justin bieber abs never say never. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • Multimedia
    Jul 18, 07:17 AM
    When you can buy DVDs that you can rip with Handbrake for iPod for as little as $4.99 I don't see how a limited use "rental" model will work. Especially in light of the NetFlix unlimited rental model. :(

    justin bieber abs never say never. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • Interstella5555
    Mar 22, 10:42 AM
    Agreed. This should not be available to minors. That should be the only restriction.

    This shouldn't be available at all,but are you somehow implying that there aren't gay minors?

    justin bieber abs never say never. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • 09iMac=Fail
    Mar 27, 08:44 PM
    I assume that's what you meant. Because we've seen touchscreen devices advance by leaps and bounds since June 2007. In two years' time it will very likely be an entirely new ballgame with such devices being a dominant force in tech, including gaming.

    This little demo is just barely scratching the surface.

    Saying that touch screen devices will be the dominant force in gaming in 2 years is a bold statement. I'd love to see them advance that much in 2 years, but I have a hard time seeing them being superior to traditional systems.

    LTD, do you own a PS3 or other similar system? We all know you don't own a 360. :) Just curious if you are much of a gamer or not. And no, gaming on cell phones or similar devices is not what I'm talking about.

    justin bieber abs never say never. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • retrospek
    Jan 2, 04:58 PM
    I really hope the iTV will stream internet radio as well as iTunes stuff..

    I can then replace my Roku with it...

    justin bieber abs never say never. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • MacBoobsPro
    Aug 7, 04:15 AM
    Steve Jobs Headlines Keynote Address and Leopard Preview (

    Well thats good. But why are people still speaking about tommorrow?

    EDIT: Oh I know, TIME ZONES!!!!

    Damn i AM a dumbass!

    justin bieber abs never say never. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • roadbloc
    May 3, 09:02 AM
    THE KILLER FEATURE! :rolleyes:

    Seriously, clicking and holding, pressing an x and then confirming sounds a hell of a lot harder than dragging to the trash. This is change for iOS's sake.

    Nov 26, 05:36 PM
    I just bought a mazda 3 to on Monday, I love it, its fun to drive to.

    =] bought it on Tuesday, of course it had to rain on Wednesday so that's why it's all dirty >.>

    More pictures when it's clean :P

    Oct 24, 01:08 PM
    hello everyone..i have bought a new ipod touch and i want a case to cover it and to provide protection from scratches.please can anyone suggest me.

    How much do you want to spend?

    Nov 15, 01:11 PM
    I cant wait to get my hands on my own 8 core mac, I currently have a pc with an amd athlon 64, tear. No wait there a 400mhz G3 imac sitting with tiger in my room, I think it can get close to the 8 core power macs specs:D

    Jan 2, 07:16 AM
    I am expecting MACworld to bring (2/3 of):

    A couple of interesting new MacPro BTO options.

    A new iMac which is an iTV mainframe of sorts.

    iTV enabled monitors.

    An iTV breakout box for talking to existing computers and televisions.

    802.11n in many places including a "surprise" (to some) announcement Macs have been shipping with 802.11n for several months now and it can be enabled by a software update (available today).

    A consumer SAN.

    New iPod games

    New iLife/iWork apps and upgrades and backgrounds.

    FCP update.

    One more thing: Video iPod

    Later: a "media release" perhaps leading to or at NAB
    Later: an iTunes event announcing more movie studios and broadcast content libraries.
    Later: Leopard, Mac-Mini C2D, MacMaster (workstation class system)


    happy new year everybody!
    my local retailer told me on friday that they had been unable to order larger quantities of imacs for schools ... apple (germany) told him that they have to wait for macworld because new (upgraded? entirely new?) imacs will be presented there ...

    since macworld SF has usually been a consumer-based event I think this would be possible

    this is my 1st contribution to this forum (which i really enjoy to read!!!) :)

    Nov 28, 04:53 PM
    Word? Word's being replaced more and more by e-mail. I used to type my notes in GMail and sometimes I write essays in GMail

    You might, but most businesses don't. Look at how many job applications require resumes in MS Word format. Its not the simple letters and essays that are the issue (especially with OOo being so good on import/export) but the complicated documents that come out of managers and product managers. With a resume I ceratainly don't want to risk that their version of word isn't quite compatible with my OOo export, but that's why I send it in PDF since I don't even trust Word.

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