Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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  • Fishrrman
    Apr 25, 09:24 AM
    Just something I _think_ I remember reading, but didn't Apple change the firewire controller chip on some MacBook Pro's back around the time yours was made?

    .... and the result was that some firewire devices were no longer recognized?

    If you can't find the solution on macrumors, also check: (use search function to check old reader reports)

    I also think that some folks were able to "work around" this problem by using a firewire hub, but again, I can't confirm that.

    Just some thoughts....

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  • anonymous6237
    Mar 11, 09:04 AM
    We are 12th and 13th at Willow Bend. We are currently at the end of the line. There is a roped off area and they are saying LIMIT TWO PER PERSON.

    Thanks for the Willow Bend update. I'm planning on heading over around 1:30 and hope to not be too far back in line.

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  • Small White Car
    Apr 12, 06:25 PM
    Could be they made many more Verizon models. Could also be that ATT models are being bought for resale overseas. Nothing wrong with that, which is what the OP was implying, I think..

    Nah. You put too much thought into his post. He's just saying that the people who bought Verizon iPads are stupid.

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  • Sydde
    Mar 30, 08:33 PM
    Additionally it's illegal under WTO rules.


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  • Misplaced Mage
    Jun 18, 01:56 PM
    I figured this out last night poking around in System Profiler on the new Mac Mini display unit in the local Apple Store. There was a new, separate entry for "Card Reader" that I hadn't seen before. Lo and behold, there it was, "SDXC", supporting 2.5GT/s (that's 2.5Gbps before taking into account the all the data transfer protocol overhead).

    Doing some more poking, I found in the Ethernet section the fact that the new Minis use a Broadcom BCM57765 ( controller�which just happens to also include the memory card reader controller, which supports SDXC.

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  • MacRumorUser
    Mar 25, 06:33 AM
    Was going to pick mine up this morning, however I have had to postpone collecting it as I have to pick my iPad 2 this evening so i'll collect my 3DS at same time :)


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  • Designer Dale
    Mar 18, 11:54 AM
    These days much of the craftsmanship that used to take place in the darkroom coaxing a master print from a negative now takes place digitally. A technically well exposed frame can still produce a crappy print at the end of a less skilled artist. Conversely, technical perfection (second curtain sync, hyperfocal distancing gobbledygook) has very little to do with art, or even creativity. Great "art" these days is even being shot on a cellphone.

    Both camps (the technical-crats & the ones who are blissfully unaware of the minutiae) can produce "great" work.

    Many beginners suffer from the same bad pshop skills (hey, look... I can make grass grow on his head, no make that two heads) and mistakes that beginning designers can (hey look, I can make EACH letter a different color, and a different font).

    All that being said, if I was teaching beginning photographers I would remove almost everything to start (camera, lens, etc.) and go primitive and start with building pinhole cameras. Then I would progress to the end point which would be post-processing. Post-processing is huge though...
    When I learned film photography in the '70s, we were not allowed to use our SLR cameras. The college provided 4x5 view cameras. That put all of us on the same level for the first year. By the time I was finishing up my senior work using my Nikon the school had beginning students building pin hole cameras. This helped a lot. When I showed up for my first classes, some of the other students had Hasselbad cameras. Forgetting about gear forced us to think about the frame and what was going on in there.


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  • liavman
    Mar 24, 06:58 PM
    If your local store does not have it, call nationwide. My local verizon store said they ship for free anywhere in the U.S. by FedEx. I had one shipped to Florida. Hope this policy is not unique to the store I visited.

    "luckRunsOut" reports above that the store in San Antonio off DeZavala have a lot left in stock.


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  • HitchHykr
    Mar 25, 01:40 PM
    I just got the 32GB wi-fi only version for $399 but now I regret it, I wish I would have purchased the 16GB 3G version from AT&T for $429. I think connectivity is more important....oh well, I can live with it!

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  • dmr727
    Jan 20, 11:28 AM
    That's funny, all I get are Rogaine ads.


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  • manic
    Sep 25, 10:38 AM
    wow. iPod integration. Now thats nice

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  • pianojoe
    Jul 6, 02:30 AM
    This brings up an interesting question for me:

    Since the Mac mounts Windows FW drives no prob, couln't you just move the PC's HD to a FW enclosure, and connect it to the iMac?

    Just guessing...


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  • atticus1178
    Sep 19, 03:58 PM
    Not everyone will want to install BOTH updates.

    everyone WILL have to install both updates, you can not update the SMC until you update the EFI, the SMC wont even show up in Software Update until the EFI is done

    also, i did the SMC update, and the fans are so freaking loud, i mean LOUD

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  • Kilamite
    Oct 6, 10:13 AM
    4" screen in 16:9 format would be nice. I don't find 3.5" too big.


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  • Cabbit
    Apr 5, 03:53 PM
    Yeah, only a couple 1000 25MB pictures would fit on a Ipad 64GB, not near enough. :rolleyes:

    Well lets see by my current usage that is 2 weekends worth of shots since i fill up 4 8GB cards. And who would imagine i would want access to all of my pictures or at least a months worth at a time and other things like apps, music and videos. :rolleyes:

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  • radiohead14
    Apr 5, 10:19 AM
    Speaking of such things, I have seen the Barnes and Noble Nook. Ugh. Ick. Yuck. Disgustipating.

    no offense.. but how old are you? the nook does a great job of being an ereader.. why would you expect it to be more than what its true purpose is? it sounds like you're over exaggerating things, as i've seen no issues like what you mention


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  • chrfr
    Mar 29, 09:30 AM
    Never said it was

    But you are describing totally incorrect behavior of how EF and EF-S lenses work.

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  • e-coli
    Sep 13, 08:26 PM
    Dell a top tier vendor?

    actually, dell makes insanely great computers. their stock video cards generally aren't very good, but you can fix that easily.

    apple needs to catch up quickly. it's getting sad and pathetic. especially with the rumors that apple is just now scrambling to find someone to manufacture/replace the G5 or equivalent.

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  • bdj21ya
    Oct 16, 06:51 PM
    ^ Yeah, how about voicemail? If its that important they'll leave a message. Shoot sometimes I even turn off my cell *GASP!* Dude, you need to go camping once in a while and get away from the world.

    In my opinion, I don't think the "iPhone" will have more than 1GB just so that it wouldn't affect the sales of the lower capacity Nanos (the shuffle is an exception because its tiny and has a relatively lower concept).

    I think that 1GB would be stupid. That's what's been holding back Music phones the most in my opinion.

    Apr 21, 10:17 AM
    Why does everybody repeat the mantra 'Ivy Bridge'? Will it make the Intel's HD 3000 perform better in some kind of mysterious magical way? Or do you expect that by the time IB is released Intel will have developed a new, presumably better, IGP? Shall we expect the same comments "Intel IGP sucks I'm gonna skip IB and wait for whatever-bridge" again next year?

    Ivy Bridge's IGP will have 16 EUs (compared to 12 in SB IGP) along with DirectX 11 and OpenCL 1.1 support. If the clock speeds stay the same, then it would be around 50% faster than the current one, although that isn't that big of an upgrade.

    I'll repeat my analogy from another thread: If Ford all the sudden decided to remove air-conditioning on all but their high end cars, saying it is a 'luxary' feature that 'differentiates' the model line ... we'd ALL call BULL ...!!!

    It is the same with the backlit keyboard on the MBA, which was for years a standard feature. To take it away now in order to 'differentiate' it from the pro models, is total bull....!!

    If you want to differentiate the pro's you add even more features. You DON'T remove once-standard features on other models and all the sudden call it a 'luxary' item.

    Apple never said they removed the BL KB because it is a luxury feature. In fact, none of us knows why Apple removed it.

    Apr 3, 12:54 PM
    If states went into deficits because people didn't have enough money to pay their taxes how will raising taxes solve this problem?

    Did you read the article at all before posting? :confused:

    Nov 2, 11:30 AM
    Apple retail store statistics imply that around 50% of folks purchasing a Mac are new to Mac. new blood appears to be joining the platform.
    I would think that a large portion would be new Mac Users. If it was people upgrading you will see a noticeable drop in market share right after apple announced the switch to intel. (With everyone waiting for the intel chips) but any drop from that anouncement didn't seem to effect much. So I would assume that it is from new people. Because now the PC vs. Mac arguments are getting really picky.
    Old Arguments.

    Intel Chips vs. Power PC chips in speed: Argument resolved Apple is now all Intel.

    One Mouse button: Argument resolved with OS X supporting 2 button mice, Mighty Mouse alling right and left mouse clicks, Macbook Pros two finger click to emulate right mouse click.

    Price: Mostly resolved. Now with the ability to judge the systems spec to spec it is easier to show that Macs are competive in price with their PC Counterparts.

    New Arguments.

    Video: Slow /underclocked video cards. And not the greatest resolution for laptop displays.

    Keyboard size: The keyboards are slightly smaller then PC keyboards.

    Choices: Most apples are not as configurable as PC. You cant have a barebone el Cheapo system. Or something that is slightly better then a MacMini but not quite a iMac.

    But these new arguments are much more minor. So it should increase new sales for people waiting for the arguments to be resolved. Also by the fact that boot camp allows windows to run. It allows them to have a comfort catch if they really hate OS X they can always run windows like they did before.

    Mar 28, 07:59 AM
    Got yesterday. Traded in 5 games at EB for $125 credit, DSi for $80 and CoD:BlOps for $40, sooooo yeah! I figured why not. They still had a TON of them left at 5pm. Either not popular or they made too many.

    No games though! Too poor to afford any so I have just been messing with the AR games and faceraiders. Quite cool. I second MRU on the jaggies... needs a 6950 crammed in it somehow ;) And I second JackAxe, why glossy finish? Frankly, the DSi was the perfect DS hardware. Good buttons, dpad, screens, size, finish and the 3DS is a step down. And damn is it ugly! I couldn't handle the blue, it's about 5 different colours.

    I was really curious about the 3D effect and the test nearly made my eyes explode. It was weird and actually hurt. Luckily I don't find actual use like that. The jarring thing is the menu. Since the upper screens (the "title screens") of the Apps is in 3D moving all around while the touch screen obviously isn't. So looking between the two causes my brain to yell at me. My girlfriend immediately turned off the 3D and told me she is never going to use it.... so yeah.

    For free I am happy. I'll be happier once Zelda/Mario/Starfox comes out. And my girlfriend will crap herself when Animal Crossing makes it out.

    Apr 21, 12:10 PM
    You right. But that's a very common theory here on these threads. I use that analogy to suggest how ridiculous that would be if Apple really did remove it to 'differentiate' the product lines.

    I've heard that they removed it because they couldn't fit it into the current MBA (which is thinner than before). Makes sense to me. Personally, I've had numerous MBPs and the original MBA. I've found I don't really miss it.

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