Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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  • mj1108
    Apr 20, 01:28 AM
    Are they given a formal training by apple? Even if they are, every approvers view will be slightly different.....perhaps this app was one that should have been approved from the start but was rejected by an approver who likes to abuse power?

    This makes me wonder...and I apologize if this info is out there somewhere that I haven't seen yet....but do we know exactly what process Apple uses to approve apps? How many people see/try/evaluate the app during the approval process? The way it sounds it's as though there's a ton of apps in a large queue and an intern grabs one, tries it, thinks "this looks good" or "this can't pass", puts a stamp on it and goes to the next.

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  • snberk103
    Mar 17, 10:47 PM
    In response to all the "Recommend Me a Camera/Lens/Editor etc" threads, I offer this. Comments or additions?

    Buy A New and More Expensive Camera Because It'll Make Better Pictures


    This can be expanded to include buying gear in general, like strobes and backdrops, etc...

    ... I have noticed I feel a bit intimidated by portrait type photography. I don't have the right equipment for it (flashes, strobes, backdrops, studio...), and I'm not sure I want to go that route. ...

    I think you need to read that bit above again.

    You don't need much gear at all to get started doing great photography - you just need to be good with people and have reasonable photo skills. If you are have that, then all you need is a reasonably sharp and long-ish lense and a window. See Lloyd Erlick ( for example. I don't think he is still active, but he was shooting 4x5 BW portraits by window light. I think some of his portraits are the best I have seen. I've learned from him to try and keep my portraits simple. I tell my students that doing portraiture is both the easiest and the most difficult kind of photography there is. Easy because you can make great portraits with window light, and one good lense on a camera. If you want to get fancy you can add a reflector :) . Difficult, because you need to work with people.

    ... I also don't care for sports in general, so that's not a likely path for me, either....

    Good decision. If you don't love the stuff you shoot, it shows.

    One of the best rock-n-roll photographers you will not have heard of in North America (if not the world), is Dee Lippingwell ( She had a daytime job, but loved music. So she approached an entertainment weekly and offered to take photos, in order to get the press passes into the events. She then quit the daytime job to do the photography full time. Still loves the music and the music biz.

    I've sat through a couple of seminars she has done (short on technical advice, but huge on rock-n-roll stories!

    Don't let the website fool you. She doesn't actually need to advertize much. She was one of less than a dozen photographers that Mick Jagger personally invited to shoot the big SARS concert in Toronto a few years ago. I have the honour of calling her a friend, and in one of her band shots on the website you can see my former studio reflected in the subject's sunglasses.

    She loves what she does, it shows, and her clients know that.

    So keep banging away. It gets easier, then more difficult, then it plateaus into sort of easy again. Well, not really - but you love what you do so much you don't notice that it's difficult.

    ... of the above are imho, of course....

    PS: Thanks Dale for the OP!

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  • ciTiger
    May 2, 06:02 PM
    Quality control instead of different materials? That's even worse...

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  • MisterMe
    Sep 14, 05:20 PM
    Originally posted by bullrat
    I'm a potential "switcher" that wants to buy an iMac now but I keep reading all the posts on the various Mac boards about how even the latest 17 inch iMac looks "choppy" or "jerky" when resizing or moving windows and how much slower browsing the Web is than bad old MS on Wintel.
    I have not seen those posts, but then I have seen a lot of other bitching and moaning about one thing or another. Point No. 1: Although I don't have access to a 17" iMac, I do have Jaguar installed on my 2000 Firewire PowerBook G3. I don't see any of that choppiness and jerkiness that you mentioned. I would be astonished to find it on a faster machine like the 17" iMac. Point No. 2: Don't take anybody's word for it. Drive down to your nearest Apple retailer. Look at the machines yourself. That should end all arguments.

    I'm so bored reading all the MHz doesn't matter blather. It does matter. When a brand new $2000 computer looks choppy using a brand new OS, then something is not right. It should be blazing on all basic functions. Flame away if you like, I see a lot of that on the Mac boards whenever someone happens to disagree with the party line but I'd wager I speak for a lot of potential switchers.
    Again, have your actually seen this "choppiness" on that $2000 machine with the brand new OS? Now for the issue of MHz, browse the web sites of the expensive UNIX workstations and servers. Look at the clock speeds of the offerings from IBM, HP, SGI, and Sun. For the most part, you will see that their machines have clock speeds in the sub-GHz range. Yet these are the machines of choice when price is no object and the job must get done. Just think about this: these boards are filled with laments that effectively tell you that you need substaintially higher clock speeds to run a computer game than you need to simulate the gas flow in a jet engine. Don't you think that something is just a bit warped here?

    I guess what really blows me away is that Apple appears to be *purposely* cripppling their systems. From what I understand it's possible for Apple to upgrade the processor, bus, memory and other components without any technical difficulties.
    Think. Think. Think. Apple does not "appear" to be purposesly crippling its systems. The entirity of the corporation orbits about the Macintosh. No company would purposely cripple its central product. The fact that Apple is only one of two profitable personal computer manufacturers serve as loud testimony to the contrary. Just because a bunch of idle college students post things on the Internet does not make them so.

    Okay, you can flame away now -- but all I'm saying is there are a lot of potential switchers waiting to plunk down their hard earned cash if Apple would get it together. I see more and more Apple folks waking up, no longer satisfied to let Apple off the hook for getting further and further behind the rest of the computer world.
    If you are serious, then nobody wants to see you flamed. But again, think. Exactly how is Apple behind? If you are talking about the race toward bankruptcy, then I would agree with you. Apple is second to last in that race among personal computer makers.

    The best OS deserves the best hardware or at least a lot better hardware than being currently used. You want premium prices? Then give us premium hardware. Geez, drop Motorola if they can't deliver the goods and go with IBM (don't go with Intel or AMD to keep that Apple distinction). But pul-leeze do it soon. I want to buy!

    I cannot agree more that the best OS deserves the best currently available hardware. However, the machine has to be affordable. For many years, Apple has ranked among the highest quality hardware manufactures. I am not just talking about microprocessors. I've endured conditions that put Dells out to pasture while my Mac chugged along like a champ.

    As for all this business about Motorola this, IBM that, and AMD the other thing, I will leave it to Apple to make the best decision. It knows the players and its own business better than any nitwit posting on an Internet bulletin board.


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  • AdrianK
    Apr 24, 05:08 PM
    Hasn't this worked since the conception of SBS? Which is 2.x AFAICR.

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  • rasmasyean
    Apr 30, 07:36 PM
    Their entire careers depend on maintaining an OS that needs constant maintenance. Windows is inherently broken, and an entire industry grew up to take full advantage of exactly that. Too funny.

    Anyone who knows anything about IT knows that "Windows" is not "broken". It's just extremely "breakable". :p The fact that a million ppl try to write viruses to steal money from the million banks that use it and have a billion customers that use it doesn't help either. But that's where professional security IT comes in. Not even a Mac is "immune" to this, so pro Mac IT should use security too.

    The reason why carreers are made on "maintaining Windows" is because it's POWERFUL. Why would a group of engineers, developers, and MBA's constanty buy an OS that is > 3x more costly than a Mac OS...just up front? And require numerous certifications beyond a "CS degree" to upkeep? And this is just the "desktop" version, never mind the server version which is the leader in the server industry.'s NOT u/linix sorry...because "web page servers" are not the only computers in data centers!

    The only "entire industry who grew up to uptake Windows" is the average person who tried to copy what they used for work...and in some cases, the software packages from "IT friends". They may be stuck with something they can't handle if they aren't careful about downloading porn, but it still doesn't change the fact that Windows is much more powerful and hence requires much more "computer-savviness" to use on average.


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  • Truffy
    Apr 5, 12:10 PM
    I thought there were only least in the tablet market segment.

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  • OllyW
    Apr 5, 07:53 AM
    That must mean I'm not normal. :D


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  • ag55
    Dec 6, 02:53 PM
    X-Factor. Know what it is? If not click here:

    Every year the winner gets a Christmas #1, its like its guaranteed for them.
    Its very annoying, and people are ready to stand up against it.

    Join the fight to ensure Rage Against The Machine's "Killing in the name of"
    gets Christmas #1 instead of Simon Cowell's one hit wonders.

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  • 2056
    Mar 24, 07:31 PM
    All sold out in my area. Such a bummer. :(


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  • crees!
    Sep 27, 09:07 AM
    From Digg:

    10.4.8 Build 8L2125 Seeded to select & prem devs today, and has no know issues. This means Apple plans to release it in the wild witin the next few days. Intel Version 206mb (mostly rosetta) PowerPC Version 30.8mb. NOT LIVE YET, For detailed information on this Update, please visit this website:

    To note, the KB article doesn't exist.

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  • eastercat
    Apr 15, 02:15 PM
    JB your phone on 4.3.x and buy: Tetherme, MyWi or PDAnet
    4.3.x enables hotspot tethering. AT&T charges $45 for 4 GB (2 for phone, 2 for tethering).

    If you'd bothered to search, you'd have found this out.


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  • DanielK
    Oct 16, 04:37 PM
    Hmm... I've held off on buying both a new phone and a new iPod for a while now, assuming that I'd want whatever phone Apple eventually comes out with, but the mention of battery life issues concerns me. If the battery goes dead on my iPod, no big deal, I don't listen to music until I charge it again. But if the battery goes dead on my phone, I could miss an important call. And if I have to monitor how much music I listen to to ensure that I can still receive calls, that might be a problem. Ideally, they could address this concern by having some software that told you well in advance that if you stop listening to music now, you still have so much time left on your phone.

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  • spiv
    Apr 4, 11:41 AM
    My question though is how is this any different then having multiple TVs on your cable account? You can only watch TV on your account when your in your own home and on your own WiFi. Time warner took some pretty big steps to make sure you can't "steal" cable... It is a pretty secure app.

    I am just wondering why Viacom and others are bitching? Its just like going in the other room and watching it on the other TV... Doesn't allow you to watch TV away from home..

    This may be a very secure app, but the channels are bitching because they don't get their set-top box fee! I can't believe that Cablevision is actually going to win this one, but then again the Dolan family doesn't care who they piss off!


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  • thejadedmonkey
    Oct 6, 07:00 PM
    Just get it over with and allow variable screen sizes.

    Apple's had resolution independence implemented in one form or another since Tiger, but it was only available for developers. I wouldn't hold my breath that they suddenly decide, 4 years later, that it should be released.

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  • ethical
    Dec 16, 04:46 PM
    It's not about making Sony lose out. Most of the people buying the single realise that either way, Sony benefits. Yes, Cowell will benefit slightly as he has shares in Sony, but he won't benefit nearly as much as he would if X Factor was number 1. I think it's just that people are fed up of X Factor dominating the charts year after year, and they want to see something new. Myself, I don't mind the RATM song, yes if it was my choice I'd have picked another, but anything is better than the cheesy manufactured pop that comes from Reality TV singing competitions.

    You're missing the point. Firstly, like I said before, the Christmas no.1 is decided by what's most popular at the time! If that's X-Factor then so be it. People won't buy it if they don't like it or don't care! They buy it to support the artist, or because they do like it (exactly the same reasons that people buy any artist's music). If the song came out in the middle of August I'm willing to bet it would get similar results (minus the obvious increase in sales of all artists due to xMas presents etc.).

    I don't understand why we are trying to fake the Christmas no.1! Simon Cowell is an excellent business man and he runs a very successful record label. I honestly just think you're all bitter and jealous!


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  • ctdonath
    Oct 7, 07:32 AM
    I would love some sort of flip/clamshell design. I've always hated the single flat slate phone design. I want a phone first not a PDA.

    Ya know, maybe the iPhone just isn't for you.

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  • SFStateStudent
    Apr 12, 04:44 PM
    Can't find an iPad 2 for AT&T, but bunch of VZ on the shelves in California...:p

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  • JoeG4
    Jun 20, 06:17 PM
    Off-topic comment, but still related to external storage.

    I received my Mac mini around noon, and I found something the previous (at least the GMA950 Core 2 Duo) model didn't support: USB flash storage works when connected to a side USB port of the aluminium Apple keyboard. My older Mac mini complains about lacking power via that USB port but the new one works just fine!

    I think the amount of power the keyboard can supply depends on what it's plugged into. My Cinema Display powers the keyboard pretty adequately for stuff like that, wonder how a g4 cube would do!

    Oct 25, 12:53 PM
    I'm pretty sure it is just the one.

    Its one disk that lets you install the OS on more that one computer (up to 5 I think) where as the normal one only lets you install once.

    Apr 24, 03:21 AM
    the new x220 does the mba better in three items above today for a fact. time for apple to step it up again.

    And is about twice as thick (up to ten times if measured from MBA's thinnest point) and weighs 0.7lb or 1.3lb more. Basically it's just a lighter 13" MBP since even MBP is thinner. No thank you.

    Sep 15, 05:26 PM
    Originally posted by King Cobra
    At Pascack Hills, I have been on computers running NT4 and Windoze 2000, and both have *rarely* crashed on me. However, it's not common for me to see OS X crash on me. Even when I had 10.1 on my iMac 233 for a short time, it did not crash one time.

    My point is that as stable as the Windoze OS is, as you point out, OS X, simply put, is even more stable. Although there are some issues with hardware, usually, that's with upgraded hardware, the OS performs very well under the power of the G4.

    I have also heard about XP not crashing as much as the previous OSs. So I'll say it as it is: The Windoze OS is improving, but incremently closer to perfect. If an error pops up, at least explain what should be done about.

    Ok.. you're right too.... I just don't like the fact that in some threads mac people use the "crapy OS" as a point in order for example to overcome the speed differences. If you like say that you prefer better the GUI in OSX, I don't have any problem with that. But saying that it is crap, bugy or unstable is untrue to say the least.

    Jan 11, 03:42 AM
    Not bothered about push for myself. I'd just be happy if it let me connect to the different groups I use.

    Apr 19, 12:28 PM
    Why can't the A4 display the 9 screenshots, as per the video, it's hardly taxing?

    I don't think anyone doubts the machine can do the expose effect (the iPad 1 does it in Safari just fine).

    There are plenty of reasons it might have been turned down for their final switcher implementation. One, the final iOS allows a variable number of programs to remain open depending on their memory requirements. The expose implementation implies that 9 can be open. That's inconsistent UI. Two, as others have mentioned, you can't always tell the difference between apps at a glance from little screenshots. So they went with icons in the end.

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